Monday, August 1, 2011

Day 12, 13, 14, 15

Ok, so I got a little behind on posting...oops.

Day 12
This 6 miler did not go as well as the one earlier in the week. My pace was the same as the week before though but I needed my water on my fuel belt and a little rest/stretch break at 2.5 miles. 

Overall, I just felt tired...which made me nervous for my run the following day... the 11 miler...

Day 13
This 11 miler ended up being pretty interesting. The night before I had one glass of wine and my dinner was blackened mahi with grits and collared greens. Afterwards, my stomach felt a little funny, but nothing happened...didn't think much of it. 
The next morning I got ready for my 11 miler. I split it up so that I could run 1 mile with my dog and 7 with my husband, the last three I did on my own. I woke up at about 6, was planning on starting to run at 6 but figured, there is no hurry...and I started out with the one mile run with my dog. Thank GOD I did! I got reallly sick at about half I ran when I could and walked when I had to that second half. I made it home...but my stomach was a mess. I was very thankful I was only half a mile away when it started...and figured, the worst is over.

My husband wasn't ready yet to run so I figured I would do my 3 on my own...and it gave me a chance to see if my stomach could handle it. The humidity began to rise, so I felt that, but otherwise the 3 miles went by easily.

I felt ready for my last 7 miles, but of course was a little tired when we got started. Sure enough, half a mile down, I had to tell my husband I needed to go stomach was getting messy again...What I don't understand is ALL week I ran 3 to 6 miles a day with NO stomach issues...and by the time I reach 5 miles I get sick TWICE?!?!?! What the heck? Anyway, I got back, did my business, and warned my husband that this may continue to happen. At this point I am starting to get hungry again, despite my 20 g protein bar I had at 6 is probably about 9:15 at this point...but I decided to go for it with the last 6 miles anyway.

Thankfully the last 6 were uneventful and I did not have any more stomach problems...phew! We did the 5 minutes on, 1 minute off, then for the last mile did 3 minutes on, 1 minute off (at a much faster pace). Although I was dog-tired at the end, I am sure I could have ran more miles...By the time we finished that run it was about 10:30...So technically it took me 4 and half hours to run 11 miles. lol Although obviously I had some challenges that morning and more than anything I am thankful I finished the miles. I kept telling myself, if I have stomach issues on race day I am going to have to make it through some how, this kind of stuff prepares me.

Day 14
Totally uneventful. I did a little weight circuit as my cross training but I was super lazy this day...I even took a 3 hour nap! And...I had a HARD time falling I think in the future I am going to step up my crosstraining...although the extra rest was refreshing.

Day 15
Today was a 3 miler. I got my husband out of bed to do it with me..although we both started a little late and I was late for work...ooops. 

My husband typically wears his watch, but he forgot it today. However we looked at the clock before we left and when we got back. We think we broke 11 minute miles! This is a big deal for me, I have been struggling with that on all of these morning runs. I was huffing and puffing pretty hard when I finished but I felt strong. We took a stretch break half way through that only lasted a few minutes and it helped. 

Overall a good run, I am hoping husband will run 6 with me tomorrow. We will see! Ciao!

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